Cloud Out Loud Podcast

Episode 13 - Hivemapper: A Good Use of WEB3

Jon and Logan Gallagher Season 1 Episode 13

Episode 13: Show Notes

While we may have been negative about WEB3 on many occasions, today we are talking about a company implementing WEB3 technology in a way that truly seems to be a good idea. Hivemapper is a crowdsourced open source mapping platform. As the world’s first crypto-enabled dashcam, Hivemapper mines HONEY Tokens and grows a map while you drive. Tuning in you’ll hear how Hivemapper identified gaps in the marketplace and is using crypto to help fill them, how you can make money through this platform, and how different parties can benefit from it. To hear more about the effects and disappointments of crypto, some of the lessons that crypto is avoiding, and why we believe that Hivemapper is a great use of WEB3 technology, tune in today! 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • How WEB3’s current manifestations have been brought to the market in a way that has undermined it in people's perceptions.
  • Why our hosts have been so skeptical of some crypto technologies. 
  • Today’s topic: Hivemapper and how it gestures toward some of the real potential in the WEB3 space.  
  • How Hivemapper works as a crowdsourced open source mapping platform.
  • How this hits home for Jon who worked for two different startups in a similar space
  • How Hivemapper identified gaps in the marketplace and is using crypto to help fill them.
  • How you can make money through this platform.
  • How insurance companies could benefit from this in light of the California wildfires. 
  • The elaborate nature of Hivemapper’s board game-like rules.
  • How it seems to be built as a platform upon which you can build additional products. 
  • Thoughts on the effects and disappointments of crypto and some of the lessons that crypto is avoiding. 
  • The value of the incentivization on both sides of the Hivemapper platform.
  • Some other thoughts and conversations that tie into this subject.


“[Hivemapper] They’ve identified gaps in the marketplace, or opportunities in the marketplace, for freshness of data, coverage, etc, that they are then using crypto to help fill .” — Jon Gallagher [0:05:44]

“Video games I’m sure have contributed to how they’re setting up some of the incentive structures and game mechanics of this project.” — Logan Gallagher [0:10:22]

“If there’s a project that actually looks solid on its fundamentals, like this appears to be, we’ll applaud it. As technologists, we’re about the technology and we’re skeptical when technologies get a little too hyped.” — Logan Gallagher [0:15:47]

“What I think really appeals to us is the alignment, not just of crypto as a way of people getting paid but of the incentivization on both sides of it.” — Jon Gallagher [0:16:49]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


Hivemapper Dashcam 

How HiveMapper Works: The HONEY Token 

Yanis Varoufakis on Crypto & the Left, and Techno-Feudalism 

Cory Doctorow: A useful, critical taxonomy of decentralization, beyond blockchains 

Cory Doctorow: Undetectable backdoors for machine learning models 

Jon Gallagher on LinkedIn

Logan Gallagher on LinkedIn

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