Cloud Out Loud Podcast

Episode 25 - The Best Cloud Environments for Machine Learning

Jon and Logan Gallagher

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Best Environment for Machine Learning

Episode 25: Show Notes

Lately, there’s been a lot of hype about AI. In today’s podcast, we too are going to chat about AI, and specifically the subset of artificial intelligence called machine learning. Instead of talking about the political, social, and moral aspects of this subject, however, we’re going to speak about some of the more mundane aspects of deploying this technology. Tuning in, you’ll hear about some of the recent technologies that have been the subject of hype cycles, what Logan learned about the hype cycle of crypto and how it affected AWS, and how this relates to the current hype cycles of AIML. We then discuss the ML and production experience of the three major cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, and Azure), the ML APIs that these companies have made available, and how you can extend these APIs for your unique requirements. To learn more about how to differentiate between the different cloud providers, the importance of being able to update existing models, the necessity for the automated collection and evaluation of the current model, and so much more, tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Examples of recent technologies that have been the subject of hype cycles.
  • What Logan learned from the hype cycle of crypto and how it affected AWS.
  • Google’s level of maturity in terms of AIML, despite seeming behind in this current hype cycle.
  • The importance of knowing how to integrate AIML. 
  • Three major cloud platforms’ ML and production experience. 
  • The types of ML APIs that these companies have made available and some examples.
  • AutoML and how you can extend these APIs for your unique requirements. 
  • Examples of how you can use this technology in your company, and possible pitfalls. 
  • How to differentiate between the different cloud providers, and choosing the right one. 
  • What Google’s BigQuery ML is and how it works.
  • How each cloud provider has an AIML suite of tools that enables people to train their models.
  • Why the ability to update existing models is so important. 
  • The necessity for the automated collection and evaluation of the current model for ongoing development of improved models.
  • How the software practices that we’ve been learning and implementing over the years, still apply.


“Maybe some of these companies like OpenAI will emerge as major players moving forward, but I think we can be sure that one of the big winners is guaranteed to be the cloud platforms.” — Logan Gallagher [0:04:01]

“That is the real use case that we can identify for ML; the ability to extend the capabilities of the working software we have.” — Jon Gallagher [0:06:14]

“What’s maybe more important than deploying a model for production is having the ability to update that model.” — Logan Gallagher [0:22:39]

“With ML and AI, there is a temptation to treat this as something new and different, but I really see all of the important software practices that we’ve been learning and implementing over the years, still applying here.” — Logan Gallagher [0:29:01]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


“AWS and Blockchain”





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